Sunday, May 1, 2011


Easter was a fun day for me, anyway. Quinn & Brittney and Mary Ella came. Airety and Brian were here. Vairin and Elsa arrived just in time to find the Easter Bunny had left some things. And Lissa was able to come too. We had a small egg hunt on the front lawn for Elsa. Vairin now understands why I use to hide some of the eggs in the middle of the grass for the younger kids. When he was young he remembers thinking "that's a dumb place to put an egg in the middle of the lawn." What we learn as parents! We also had an Egg Hunt for the adults. I hid plastic eggs the day before. One per person. The first one to find an egg got their choice of prizes. Quinn was first and he chose the beef stakes. Vairin was next he chose the barbecue set. Vairin said, " Give a man a stake and feed him for a meal. Give a man a barbecue set and feed him all summer!" And everyone got a prize. I hope they had fun. I sure did. Grandpa took Elsa out to find her one egg and when she got in she was so excited to choose her prize. A coloring bag. We had dinner and after dinner we colored eggs. Fun time to be with the the family. Hey the photo of Lissa and Mary Ella was side ways but the blogg thing put it in the right way. How did it know?

April Fools!

We have had April Fools day all month. On Saturday April 30 we woke to 5 inches of snow! It did melt by afternoon. It was sure cold all day though. To think, I should be able to plant tomatoes OUTSIDE next week! We will see.

Farewell To The Tree.

The poor tree next to the garage had to be taken out before it took out the Family Room. And after all the work we put into the family room we didn't think it would be nice of the tree to smash the roof. It sure looks bare now. It is so empty. But every time it would snow the tree would bend towards the house about 4 feet. It was scary. Now we have a big empty.

Trip To Logan

We took an outing up to Logan on Saturday 23, May. Lissa was graduating form Institute. We told her to find a place to eat for dinner on Saturday. She had heard of a good Indian place. When we got to it, it was in half of a gas station. We kind of raised our eye brows, but hey, anyone who can eat at Doe's in Greenville Mississippi can eat anywhere, right? So in we walked. They at least had their own entrance, where not too long before you had to actually go into the gas station to get to the place, they now had their own outside door! Much to our relief it did not in any way resemble Doe's from the inside. This place was clean and new and so there is not as much to talk about. The food was really good. And you could tell the waiters were college kids.

The next day we went with Lissa to her Stake Conference. It was held inside the Logan Tabernacle. I don't think I have been in that tabernacle before. It was beautiful. Like a miniature Salt Lake Tabernacle. the choir seats were raised and the pipes for the organ were all gold leaf. It was really nice. They had wonderful speakers too. They had the Logan Temple Pres. and his wife. One thing he said was that when you attend the temple it effects all aspects of your life. Wow, what a blessing. After the meeting Lissa told us that she was giving a talk at the graduation, so she had to go home and write it. She gave a very good talk, it was on her journey of coming to know Christ better this past year. My I do have a bunch of wonderful kids! Here is dad and Lissa inside the institute in front of a mural of the sacred grove.